Order Process:

Step One- 

  1. Calculate the purchase (e.g. Jersey + Printing + Postage fee)
  2. Normal Postage $3
  3. Registered Mail - $5
  4. Add $1 with every additional purchase  (e.g. Buying 3 pcs $5 + $1 + $1 =$7)

Step Two-

  1. Transfer payment to POSB Savings 029-39834-8

Step 3-

     Email your order to or sms 94893111 in the following format:

  1. Item Description and quantity
  2. Item Size
  3. Player Name, Number or badge if any
  4. Details of Payment:

  •     Amt Transferred, Date & Time, reference Number
  •     For ibanking transfer, pls provide your ibanking name
  •     If you transferred through ATM, it is a MUST to provide a snapshot of the receipt

     5.  Postage Chosen : Registered/ Normal Mail
     6.  Name
     7.  Address
* strictly no exchange and refund, we will check and make sure our purchases are in good       condition before sending out.

* in the event that the item is sold out, we will provide full refund  to your account.


Yours Sincerely,


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